Before we go into the causes, it is critical that you understand the fundamentals of Chemical Peels. The chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure that can work wonders on your skin. Aside from giving you a smooth and wrinkle-free appearance, it also helps you regain your youthful appearances by minimising indications of facial ageing.
Chemical peels are used to treat a wide range of skin conditions, including hyperpigmentation, seborrhoeic keratoses, breakouts, fine wrinkles, rosacea, actinic keratoses, scarring, and many more.
A standard chemical peel treatment involves carefully exfoliating the outer skin layer with an acid. The skin will then be left to recover.
Chemical peels are commonly used to exfoliate the skin’s top two layers. These are the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis is the skin’s outer layer, while the dermis is directly beneath it. A simple chemical peel would just remove damaged skin cells from the epidermis layer. Depending on the desired outcome, we may also recommend a deeper peel that removes a tiny portion of the dermis layer. At Dermaconsult Clinic, the top skin & VD clinic in Aurangabad offers the best chemical treatment. With that basic understanding of chemical peels, let’s look at why people choose this therapy.
7 Benefits of Chemical Peels for Your Skin:
When you choose chemical peel treatments, you have the option of being treated with various types of peels, which differ depending on the strength of the acid, the extent of skin damage, and the desired results. Based on these considerations, we will select the appropriate peel for you.
Many forms of peels are quite effective, including alpha hydroxy acid peels such as glycolic and salicylic acid peels, phenol peels, retinoic acid peels, TCA peels, and so on. The glycolic acid peel is used to treat pigmentation that is deep into the skin by targeting different layers of the skin.
The aftereffects are relatively minor
Chemical peel treatment results vary according to the chemical composition, strength, and type of chemical peel employed. Regardless of the type of chemical peel employed, the therapy has little or no side effects. Patients report minor redness in the treatment area, which is transient and easily concealed with cosmetics. Patients may also have slight flaking or skin shedding on occasion; however, this is scarcely evident. In fact, patients can begin applying makeup 24-48 hours after their therapy. In other words, there is virtually no downtime following this procedure.
It improves cell turnover
Chemical peels help by encouraging the growth of new cells and removing dead ones. This directly contributes to higher cell turnover. When compared to the old skin, the new skin is less wrinkled and more youthful-looking. To attain the desired results, we recommend repeating the chemical peel operation after 2-3 weeks. This treatment is also suitable for people with sensitive skin.
It treats a wide range of skin-related issues
Chemical peels have been discovered by medical practitioners all around the world to assist cure a wide range of skin-related disorders. For example, it is used to treat fine lines around the mouth, wrinkles caused by sun damage or ageing, acne (select types), freckles, uneven skin colour, age spots, sunspots, liver spots, actinic keratosis (precancerous scaly spots), dull complexion, rough skin, scaly patches, and pregnancy-induced melasma (dark patches).
Can Combine With Other Cosmetic Procedures
We always recommend that our patients who have had skin rejuvenation treatments such as fillers, botox injections, or skin resurfacing receive a chemical peel treatment in addition. Chemical peel treatments do not affect the outcomes of other procedures. In fact, it improves the person’s appearance even more and contributes to an overall increase in skin health.
Cost Effective Treatment
The idea is simple: a chemical peel treatment does not require any complicated equipment or tools. As a result, the expenses of chemical peels are quite low, making it an extremely economical therapy. Because of its low cost, many patients choose chemical peels as an initial therapy before progressing to additional skin rejuvenation treatments.
Wrapping Up
A vast number of people have benefited from chemical peel treatments. Everyone who desires healthier skin should choose this therapy because it offers good results and requires no downtime after the surgery. The procedure is also effective for the vast majority of patients, regardless of skin type. If you are unclear about where to begin with this treatment and are in the Aurangabad area, we recommend that you contact our facility. Dr. Shaikh Waseemuddin provides the best treatment in Aurangabad and has extensive experience in the field. Schedule a Chemical Peel treatment at Dermaconsult Clinic with Dr. Shaikh Waseemuddin best dermatologist In Aurangabad.
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